Parking & EV Charging
At the Manor
There is free paved parking for registered guest vehicles at Craigleith Manor Boutique Bed and Breakfast.
One parking space is allocated to each guest room. If you need more than one parking space during your stay, let us know when you reserve your room. There is no parking for boat or camper trailers of any kind. We simply do not have the room. Motorcycle parking is available.
Please park your car so that it is aligned with a Guest Parking sign. No angle parking, please.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
Level 2 Charging Station
We have a Level 2 charging station for guest use. Charging of registered guests' electric vehicles is complimentary during your stay. There is a designated parking spot for EV charging; please let us know if you are traveling in an electric vehicle, and we will reserve this space for you.
The EV charging unit must be activated before you can charge. You will need to check in to you B&B room first and make arrangements with management.