Wifi / TV / Cell
The Manor is powered by Bell Fibe optic fibre. We have blistering speeds of up to 300 Mbps for upload and download of data. We can accommodate an unlimited number of devices on our secure guest network. The Bell Fibe network also powers the Smart TVs in each guest room, which have hundreds of stations, free Netflix and a variety of free movie channels. We're pretty sure you are not coming here to watch TV, but in the off chance that you want to, there is a lot of selection.

Cell Phone Use
We all need to stay connected in this wired world that we live in. Our WiFi network is very powerful and will help you do that. We ask that you respect the right to quiet for other guests. Please consider turning your phone ringer off while in the B&B and consider leaving your phone in your room during breakfast. Our cozy dining room was never designed for conference calls or Facetime. Please be considerate of others who may be trying to unplug from their wired life if even just for a couple of days. Thank you.